PCB Files
The default settings of the PCBs were found to have issues with the capslock LED being constantly on instead of toggling. The below .json and .bin files are the the most up to date.
XS60 Solder
RAR with JSON and BIN file
ZIP with JSON and BIN file
XS60 Hotswap
RAR with JSON and BIN file
ZIP with JSON and BIN file
A very basic guideline for steps required to update your PCB with the above files. If you're brand new to building a board please feel free to reach out for more help or there are plenty of YouTube tutorials available.
Firstly you will need QMK Toolbox.
1. While actuating/pressing the "ESC" key either with a switch plugged in or tweezers, plug in your PCB to your PC
2. Open the .bin file for your PCB (check for solder or hotswap)
3. Flash the PCBj (MCU should be atmega32a)
4. Hop onto VIA online https://usevia.app/ and authorize device
5. In the design tab load the JSON file (check for solder or hotswap)
6. Go to configure and indicators on the left hand menu
7. Turn the backlight brightness down to the lowest setting
7. Go to capslock indicator and set priority to the lowest
8. Set colour of choice
Plate Files
For those who like to tinker and create plates in different materials to experiment with.
Keep in mind that the plate mounting is unique to the HH60 bottom mount design, so unless there is another keyboard with the exact same locations for screwing down the plate these files will not be compatible for other boards.